
Contact Us

Member Benefits

New members of the Chamber can take advantage of free display advertising from Columbia-Greene Media in the Catskill Daily Mail and; and a special offer from Capital Region Independent Media (The Ravena News-Herald, The Greenville Pioneer). New members also are announced on the Chamber’s website, weekly e-newsletter and on Chamber social media.

Chamber Website Listings & Member-to-Member E-blasts

Every member receives a free listing on the Chamber website, including a hyperlink to their own company’s website. Members may also place online display ads at a discounted price.
Members can promote a special sale, new product, promotion or event through the Chamber’s Member-to-Member E-blasts, which are sent out every Wednesday to over 2,000 members and recipients.

Directory & Marketing Opportunities

All Chamber members are promoted through the Greene County Chamber of Commerce Business Directory, which is distributed annually to businesses, organizations and residents as well as the quarterly digital magazine.

Listings are arranged by business category. In addition to standard directory listings, members may also place display ads at a discounted rate.

Member-to-Member Discounts

Mailing List

Chamber members have exclusive access to our mailing list. This is a cost-effective way to reach over 400 area businesses.

Event Partnerships

Chamber members enjoy a number of sponsorship opportunities throughout the year, including annual Partnerships such as; our Golf Tournament, Recognition Gala, Women in Business, monthly Networking Events and much more.

All Chamber partnerships allow members to reach a select audience of business leaders.

Membership Information Packet

Apply Now

Ribbon Cuttings

We celebrate with and show our support to new members and their businesses by welcoming them to the community with a Ribbon Cutting!

Ribbon Cuttings are a great opportunity to introduce a new business, location or expansion!

The Chamber’s Membership Director will help coordinate media coverage and preside over the event.

Members have the opportunity to host their own open house after the ribbon cutting as an opportunity to introduce themselves to fellow businesses in the community as well as promote their products.

To schedule yours call Beth at 518-943-4222 or email
